Saint BarthélemyAnimalsOther Animals › 90 litres Aquarium planted with fish
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90 litres Aquarium planted with fish

Ad of 21/06/2019

Price : 200 OBO


Other Animals


90 l Aquadream 80 with a filter Aquarium internal range 2, a heating, a bubbler, a ramp led.

The aquarium is with plants, the sand as substrate and the roots of mango for aquarium.

With like fish:
-4 goldfish: A white, a red and 2 white and red of my own reproduction with as parents a classic red fish and a goldfish oranda red cap.
-A trio of gouramis beaded.
-A my own reproduction honey gourami.
-A trio of killies.
-An albino plecostomus.
-2 guppies.
-Large bamboo also called brassy shrimp or shrimp bamboo shrimp.
-4 Neretina snails.

Precision 4 goldfish and Pearl gouramis trio will have to be put in a larger aquarium when he grow up.

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Classified Saint BarthélemyAnimalsOther Animals › 90 litres Aquarium planted with fish