Saint BarthélemyRecreationCollections › The game of possibilities of your life
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The game of possibilities of your life

Ad of 12/05/2017

Price : 12




Here is a guide to assist you in your quest and discover the answers to your questions both in your daily life than in your research. This game is structured into 5 categories which are all lights of the different aspects of the situation: the archetypal question who am I and me posing this question'; experiences indicate that exactly am I experiencing'; traps attract attention about the dangers contained in the experience; the allies are internal or external aid that can support or illuminate the consultant; Finally, the rituals trigger an energy conducive to the experience. The game of possibilities in your life helps you find in yourself the path to the solution, without relying on a complex symbolism. It puts you in touch with the true source of your application and offers the means to realize your project.
Galya Ortega. Therapist, an expert in astrology and coaching, creator of places of well-being, she teaches his art regularly. His taste for the symbolic, esoteric research, energy practice have led her to develop methods of care and personal evolution. Claudine Feyel. Graphic designer, painter and designer. Epicurean, in love with life and human beings, she addresses her message in its bright clear and uncluttered expression drawings.

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