Sint MaartenImmobilierVentes › Isky Residence 2 bed pré-const

Isky Residence 2 bed pré-const

Annonce du 22/09/2024

Prix : 389 462,90

Prix original : 435 000 $ (USD)
  • Type de bien : Appartement
  • Surface : 100 m²
  • Pièces : 3

Cole Bay (Cole Bay)



Pré-construction at Cole Bay; Maple Drive...

14 apartments left for sale; all 2 bed 2 bath, Impressive view on cole bay , simpson bay, the lagoon , the ocean...

Prices starts at 435KUSD.

in Cole Bay, right on the picturesque Maple Drive. This dazzling pre-construction gem boasts five buildings, each housing four apartments across two floors, complete with one or two parking spaces per unit. But the real allure… The awe-inspiring vistas of Cole Bay, Simpson Bay Lagoon, and the vast ocean.

Contact M.Y Real estate Sxm; Yoan.

Contacter l'annonceur :

M.Y Real Estate SXM
M.Y Real Estate SXM Professionnel

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Annonce Sint MaartenImmobilierVentes › Isky Residence 2 bed pré-const